Monday, January 29, 2007


GNU Fortran G77 v0.5.25

(G77 v.2.95 for MinGW32)

Binaries for Win32

(Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT4/2000/XP)

August 12, 1999

좀더 자세한 글은 위의 원문페이지를 참고하세요. 간단하게 파일 설명과, 설치. 설치 후 PATH설정에 관해서만 얘기하도록 하겠습니다. -시간이 없어요. 수업들어가야 되서..

The set consists of the following files:

  • (1.54Mb), the archive that contains the compiler,linker and ancillary executables
  • (208Kb), the archive that contains the G77 libraries
  • (301Kb),the archive that contains the G77 documentation. Note that this documentation is in HTML format, so it can be read using any web browser such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

(If you encounter problems in retrieving any of the files above, please contact me by email

- 설치하기
1. 다운로드한 파일들을 풀면, 자동으로 G77과 하위 폴더 Bin, Lib, Doc들이 생기게 된다.
2. 원하는 곳으로 G77디렉토를 옮겨주고, g77setup.bat 을 메모장따위로 열어 디렉토리 위치들이 잘 정의 되는지 확인하고 g77setup.bat 를 실행시킨다.
G77\Readme1.txt 를 읽어봐도 되지만.

Installation Steps

All the above ZIP archives should be un-zipped with the free unzip.exe utility (115Kb. Download the file and rename it to unzip.exe) . This utility will preserve both, the folder structure of the archives and the long filenames that some of the library files have. Typically, unzipping the files in, say, the drive C: will create the folder C:\G77 with the three sub-folders C:\G77\Bin, C:\G77\Lib and C:\G77\Doc. Futher instructions are supplied in the file C:\G77\Readme1.txt

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